Saturday, September 28, 2013


Despite the appearance of the DVD cover - and the fact that Baxter is a Bull Terrier and not a Pit Bull - this is actually a very good movie. Part horror and part drama, it tells the story of a murderous Bull Terrier looking for a person that's just like him. It's disturbing, but not gory in the sense of a traditional horror film - it's much more subtle.

Viewing Format: DVD

The Horror.

The horrror otherwsie known as Good Dog, Bad Movie's current movie library. Not pictured are my DVD of The Pack and my VHS of The Incredible Journey because I forgot I had them until after I took these pictures and re-shelved the discs and tapes. Note the abundant collection of Lassie movies - I've collected Lassie and Collie items since I was a kid, so they kind of add up. I have both a VHS and a DVD copy of [i]The Painted Hills[/i], a movie so bad I've only seen it once, and that was years ago. The VHS copy unfortunately came with Call of the Wild and The Return of Rin Tin Tin.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

a.k.a Dracula's Dog

Featuring only the finest overused stock dog noises and Reggie Nalder's perpetual pseudo-duckface, Zoltan is....something, all right. It's not terrible - the dog actually does attack people rather than just staring at them, but the cuts they do for the footage look ridiculous, as if the dogs were flung by catapult at the actors - the ending of the move is rife with it. What I noticed most about this movie is that many time, the dogs would be barkin/howling without their mouths being open - kind of like the old Godzilla dubs.

Viewing Format: DVD

Monday, September 9, 2013

Not dead, still alive. An awesome reader will be sending me a copy of Fulci's White Fang - yes, the prequel to Challenge of White Fang, and it's supposed to be an absolute nightmare, as well as another sequel.

I could spend a lot of time on movie versions of Jack London's work, just because they're so prolific.

According to IMDB there are at least 15 versions and sequels of White Fang, and probably just as many of Call of the Wild.

Jack London is spinning in his grave.